Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time believing it's 2011. 2011? As a child the new year only meant I was a year older (a good thing back then). And it meant I got to move into the next grade in school - another good thing. It also meant that my pants would be too short yet again, which was a problem I had until the age of 17.

But now that I'm 37 years old (I've been 37 for many years and plan to stay there many more) the new year means something different. It gives me the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start another year. A new year to become more organized, more thoughtful, more patient. A new year to be grateful for family and friends and grateful for my life in Fredericksburg. And another year to learn as much as I can about photography which teaches me about myself as well.

Have you heard about the 365 project? I just read about it the other day. The challenge is to take one photograph every day. It can be family, a self-portrait or even the family pet. It can be your breakfast, your car or the clothes you plan to wear that day. It can be anything. You label each of these photos with the date taken and at the end of 2011 you will have 365 photographs of your life that year. We photograph the important things in life but not so much our everyday life. And isn't the everyday what is really important? The purpose of this 'study' is not only documenting your life but also improving your photography. The more photographs you take the better you will be. Your compositions will be better as you see what works for you and what doesn't. If you are interested you can read about it at (sorry, it's not a link, you will have to copy and paste):


I started it January 1st 2011. I have to admit the photographs aren't very exciting yet but I can't wait to see what the end of Rhonda's 2011 Project looks like. I may even post these on the website.
If any of you are dedicated and plan to do the same thing, let me know. I'll be happy to post your year in pictures on my website as well.

As always if you have any questions I'm happy to help! Happy New Year!

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