Friday, August 21, 2009

Free Photographs

Do you want to get something for free? Rhonda Wheeler Photography has a new Facebook page. Become a Fan and check back often. I'll be uploading photos from every possible school event and these photos are yours to save, add to your photo albums and share with each other. These are my gifts to you. Become a Fan of Rhonda Wheeler Photography on Facebook and start collecting your photographs today.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

School is just around the corner

It's hard to believe that the start of school is just around the corner.

I'm really excited to announce a new product that is available starting today. What a wonderful way to save your memories from the football season, volleyball season, senior year or any other group, sport or organization than a hard cover book full of your very own photographs. I will be putting an example of this book on the website soon.

If you even think you may be interested please send me an email or give me a call early in the school year. That way I can make sure your student is photographed throughout the school year and we will have lots of great photos to choose from. There is no obligation.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!