Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas 2010

It's so hard to believe we are only a few days from Christmas. I have spent the past 6 weeks with a hectic schedule trying to make sure everyone received their Christmas orders on time. I did it! The last orders were picked up today. It's the closest I will ever be to feeling like one of Santa's elves (making the gifts and then making sure they are delivered on time).

As I type, daughter Ashley has finished an amazing batch of Snickerdoodles with threats (I hope) of making more tomorrow and son Clay is home from Texas Tech for the holidays. That alone is enough to make my Christmas perfect. Mom and my sister will arrive Christmas eve. Christmas eve Mom always makes her German Baked Brisket and Doreen always brings tamales for Christmas day. I love our little traditions. When I was growing up we always got one of those Livesaver Storybooks in our stockings. I continued that with my kids and now we all give them to each other. Mom always gives Doreen socks. Doreen always gives my kids their gifts wrapped in other gifts. And every single year I promise I will be more organized and more prepared than the year before.....and someday I will.

One of my favorite things I do each year is to find a really cute or funny photo of each family member and frame it in a small silver frame. I use them as place cards at our Christmas eve table and everyone gets to keep them as their Christmas eve gift. I've been doing this for years and I have so much fun searching through old photos for just the right one.

I've been trying to think of some photographic advice I can give you for making your Christmas photos even more special this year. Take as many photos as you possibly can because no matter how many you take you will look back someday and wish you had more. Don't forget the details! Take an overview of the living room, the tree and the presents, but then get in close and take detail shots of a beautiful ornament hanging on the tree or a beautifully wrapped present. Line everyone up, set your timer and get a group shot. Posed shots are great and I think they're important, but my favorite shots are the candid shots like someone opening a special gift, cooking or everyone laughing at an old family story.

So my advice is this...keep your camera with you and always be prepared for that special moment. They are unexpected, unplanned, perfect little gifts!

Wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas!

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